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Argentine Productions

A Theatrical Experience Driven By Story:
Whether filming the architectural treasures of the White House, a groundbreaking earth-to-space interview for a PBS science special, or a reenactment of a pivotal moment in the French and Indian War, Argentine Production's work consistently offers the emotion, detail, and creativity that wins awards and makes powerful museum experiences.

Exceptional Media Projects That Leave Lasting Impressions with Your Audience:
Our museum projects stand apart. Audiences expect more from a media experience today. We know how to use sound, picture, and story in a powerful way to inform, engage, and entertain your museum visitors.

Collaboration and Knowledge of the Museum Process:
The members of our team have worked with museum professionals around the world and are sensitive to the special needs and practices of the museum environment. Our work is featured in some of the nation's most prestigious museums, including Independence National Historical Park and the White House Visitor's Center.

We Make It Easy:
Whether you are new to the process of creating museum media or a seasoned veteran, you can relax. We'll work with you step-by-step on your project, offering guidance and information to make the best possible media and interactive that will attract and inform your audience. And we'll have fun doing it.


For more about what we do visit

For a demo or to request a brochure,

Contact: Peter Argentine


Argentine Productions
603 Washington Road, Suite 501
Pittsburg, PA 15228

Phone: 412-341-6448

Fax: 412-341-4410

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